I am looking for highly motivated students to work with me on human-robot interaction at Yale. Ideal candidates are excited about building next-generation interactive computing technologies and enjoy computer programming. Having experience running user experiments, solving design problems (industrial/product design, architecture, mechanical engineering), or using rapid fabrication tools is a plus!
My current research agenda is centered around enabling social interactions between robots and multiple people. Please familiarize yourself with my research before contacting me (marynel.vazquez \at\ yale.edu).
Ph.D. Positions
If you want to work with me towards a Ph.D. in Computer Science, please apply to the Yale Doctoral Program through the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and mention my name in your application. Note that the Computer Science Department is committed to supporting all Ph.D. students that are in good academic standing for five years (including Summers) through combinations of grants, university fellowships, and teaching assistantships.
Open Positions For Students at Yale
If you are an undergrad or graduate student at Yale, and are looking for research opportunities in human-robot interaction, artificial intelligence or machine learning, please send me an email with the subject: [RESEARCH AT YALE]. Please explain in your email why you want to work with me, and attach a transcript of your classes and a CV. If you have an online portfolio or code repository, provide a link to them as well in your email.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the timeline to apply for open positions?
I am continuously looking for highly motivated students to join my lab. If you are already enrolled at Yale, there is no specific timeline to apply. If you are applying to the Doctoral Program of Yale’s Computer Science Department, the deadline to apply is handled by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Applications are usually due in December or January, and the program starts the following Fall.
How many hours am I expected to dedicate to research?
If you are a Ph.D. student, research should not be a side job for you. Conducting high quality research is your main responsibility, and you should continually dedicate at least 80% of your time to your project(s). If you are a master’s student or undergrad, you are expected to allocate minimum 10 hours per week for research.
Can you be my mentor for the Yale College First-Year Summer Research Fellowship or the STARS program?
Yes. Please email me if you are elegible for these undergrad research programs and want me to be your mentor.